2015年7月19日 星期日


edited by Dr. Tracy Shih
blow away
blow down
blow up
blow out
吹走 The fallen leaves blew away.
吹倒 The serious typhoon blew down lots of trees.
爆炸 The hijackers blew the plane up.
吹熄 Blow out the candles and make a wish.
bring back
bring up
bring about
歸還 Please bring this book back to me tomorrow.
撫養 He was brought up by his grandmother.
引起 Internet has brought about many big changes in our lives.
break up.

break off
break down
break in
break through
break out
解體 Break up the old car.
分手 Jim and Jane broke up last week.
中斷 They broke off their conversation when I came in.
拋錨 My car broke down this morning.
n.崩潰 After the terrible tragedy, I had a breakdown.
硬闖 The thieves broke in three houses in this neighborhood.
n.非法闖入 The break-in had occurred just before he went home.
突破 It is hard to break through.
n.突破 It is a great breakthrough in the human history.
爆發  The serious disease broke out last month in China.
call up

call on
call off
call in
call out
打電話 I will call you up this afternoon.
徵集服兵役 Harold was called up in 1995.
拜訪 We can call on Judith next Monday.
取消 The birthday party has been called off.
邀請 It’s emergency.  Please call the doctor in.
下令支援 Call out the firemen as soon as possible.
come true
come across
come from
come about
實現 May your dream come true.
突然遇到 I came across my college classmate last night.
來自 Maria comes from Australia.
發生=happen How did the car accident come about?
cut in
cut out
cut off
cut up
cut short
插嘴 Don’t cut in while your parents are talking.
戒除 You need to cut out smoking.
切斷 The electricity has been cut off.
切碎 The cook cut up the apples for the pie.
縮短 Our trip was cut short by the storm.
get on
get off
get back
get up
get over
get away
get through
get along
get along with
上車 Get on the bus.
下車 I need to get off at the next stop.
回來 She couldn’t get back to sleep tonight.
起床 Get up at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow.
康復 I took me a long time to get over.
逃避 She got away from the boring party.
完成 I believe you can get through this challenging work.
進展 How is your work getting along.
相處I am getting along with Marilyn well.
give up
give in
give off
give out
放棄 Don’t give up your dream.
投降 Don’t give in to his opinion.
發出 (指氣味或氣體的發散) This restroom gave off a bad smell.
用完 His money gave out.
go out
go with
go on
go through
go off
離開,熄滅 John went out yesterday.  The light went out.
配合 This skirt goes with the blouse.
繼續 He went on writing the letter.
經歷,實現 What have you gone through these years?
爆炸, 響起, 故障 The gun went off accidentally.
have on
have got
穿戴 Had she a scarf on?
得到 I gave got some work to do.
keep out
keep off
keep on
keep up
不讓進入 Keep out the dog, please.
避開 Keep your hands off.
繼續 May should keep on with her work.
保持 Keep up your confidence and courage.
look for
look out
look at
look after
look up
look over
look into
尋找 This couple are looking for their missing son.
小心 Look out that you don’t fall down.
注視 Look at this picture very carefully.
照顧 You need to look after your little brother while I am out.
查出 I will look up the word in the dictionary.
檢查 Please look the paper over before I submit it.
調查 The committee will look into the problem.
put on
put up
put off
put away
put down
put out
put together
穿戴 You can put on this new pair of glasses.
建造 He put up a new fence.
延期 The meeting was put off.
收起來 He put away his old clothes.
壓制 Police put down the riot.
熄滅 Please put out the light.
組合 I need to put the two plans together.
right now
right here
right there
right away
現在 We need to do the work right now.
這裡 I gave him my first kiss right here.
那裡 The car accident happened right there.
馬上 You had better go to your office right away.
run over
run away
run into
壓過 The beautiful cat was run over accidentally by a car.
逃跑 Three prisoners had run away last night.
突然遇到= Run across  I ran into my ex-boyfriend yesterday.
stand up
stand out
stand for
起立 We will stand up and bow to show their respect.
傑出 This science genius stands out in her school.
代表 What does “MIT” stand for?
stay in
stay out
stay up
在家 Because of the typhoon, you had better stay in your house.
留在外頭 Young people like to stay out very late.
熬夜 I stayed up late last night because of the exam.
show up
show off
出現 You didn’t show up last night.
炫燿 Don’t show off.  Be modest.
stick out
stick to
stick up
stick up for
突出 The naughty boy stuck his tongue out.
堅持 You need to stick to your goal.
持槍搶劫 This man stuck up a bank.
保衛 When they beat you, you should stick up for yourself.
shut off
shut up
關掉 Please shut off the water faucet.  Don’t waste it.
閉嘴 Please shut up and be quiet.
take down
take out
take off
take apart
take over
記下 Let me take down your order.
拿出 Take out all your money.
脫去 It is too hot.  You need to take off your coat.
拆開 That mechanic took the machine apart.
接管 Mr. Smith has already taken over the company.
think over
think of
think up
仔細考慮  I need to think this over to make a better decision.
想到 Can you think of any good ideas?
想出 John tried to think up a plan to promote this product.
throw up
throw away
throw out
嘔吐 This baby threw up because he feels sick.
拋棄 Please throw away the garbage for me.
逐出 You need to throw out the garbage.
try on
try out
試穿 I would like to try this skirt on.
試用 We had better try out this machine before using it.
turn on
turn off
turn down
turn over
turn out
turn around
開啟 Turn on the air-conditioner, please.
關閉 Turn off the light.
拒絕 He turned me down.
倒翻 The waves turned our boat over.
變成 The situation turns out well.
轉身 She turned around and began to cry.
wait for
wait up for
等待 I will come back late tonight.  Don’t wait for me.
熬夜等人 I am waiting up for you.

