2020年5月19日 星期二


edited by Dr. Tracy Shih

burst out crying
burst out laughing
突然大哭  Helen bursts out crying.
突然大笑 The whole class burst out laughing.
buy up

buy out
全部買下 The company bought up as many lands as they could.
併購 He spent lots of money buying out all the shares.
burn down
burn up
burn out
燒毀 (房子)  The enemy burned down the village.
燒光 (,衣服)  His books burned up accidentally.
燒掉(電器) The fuse has burned out.
catch cold
catch fire
catch on
感冒 Wear warm clothes, don’t catch cold.
著火 The wooden house catches fire easily.
了解 I start to catch on what you mean.
clean up
clean off
clean out
收拾乾淨  You should clean up your room today.
清理 It took five workers three hours to clean off the graffiti.
掃除 We’ve got to clean out the whole attic.
die out
die down
逐漸絕跡  How did the dinosaurs die out?
減弱 The wind had died down.
drop in
drop out
順道拜訪  You are welcome to drop in my house sometime.
退出,輟學 He has dropped out of business.
She had dropped out of high school.
dry out
dry up
慢慢乾凅 The bitter wind will try out your skin very fast.
枯竭 The river dried up in the summer.
go around

go in for

go up

go wrong
1.傳播(謠言,疾病) The rumor has been going around the city.
2.足夠分配(食物) We don’t have enough food to go around.
1.參加 Ellen will go in for the beauty contest this year.
2.喜歡 Peter doesn’t go in for sports.
1.上升(氣溫等)  The hotel went up in flames.
2.漲價 The gasoline price have gone up 10% in one month.
出毛病 We need to prepare carefully in case of anything that goes wrong in the process.

hear from
hear of
收到消息  I hope I will hear from you soon.
聽說  I have never heard of such a ridiculous thing.
hold on
hold off
hold out
hold over
hold up
等候 Hold on, please. (請不要掛斷)
延遲 The snow is holding off for the moment.
繼續抵抗 How long will our supply of food hold out?
延期  The meeting was held over for another one hour.                                                                                                                                                                      
持槍搶劫 Tina was held up and robbed all her money yesterday.
耽擱 The train was held up by the snowstorm.
let go
let on
let up
放掉  Let him go.
透露 I didn’t let on that he was going to resign.
停止 Will the rain ever let up?
放鬆 He worked without letting up.
look up to
look down on
look forward to
尊敬 We all look up to her.
輕視 He is irresponsible father and we all look down on him.
期望 I am looking forward to seeing you soon.
take (time) off

take turns
take back
take after
take on     
take up
休息 Her husband will take three days off from the work to be with her.
輪流  We can take turns to finish this work.
喚起回憶 This photo takes me back to the good old days.
Teresa takes after her mother.
僱用 We are going to take on a secretary.
攻讀 I will take up French next semester.
tell time

tell (two things or people) apart
tell one from the other
報時 It took my students only 15 minutes to learn how to tell time in English.
辨別 It is not easy to tell a bad man and a good one apart.

分辨 I can’t tell Christine from her twin sister.

tear down
tear off
tear up
拆掉 It is possible that they will tear down this building soon.
撕開 He tore his clothes off.
撕碎 I tore up the letter in anger.
wear out
wear off
wear down
wear away

穿破 He has worn out his shoes.
逐漸消失  The pain is wearing off.
磨損 =wear through  The heels are worn down on right side.
浸蝕 Time wears away grief.

