2020年5月19日 星期二


edited by Dr. Tracy Shih

get along with
和睦相處 They get along with each other very well.
get away with
逃避處罰 How did he get away with the cheating in the test?
get even with
報復 Henry finally got even with John for his insult.
get in touch with
聯絡 Don’t forget to get in touch with your old friends.
get better
漸漸好轉 I am getting better.
get busy
忙碌 Mary is getting very busy recently.
get sick
生病 It is getting cold. Watch out! Don’t get sick.
get tired
疲倦 I am getting tired of the continuous noise.
get well
康復 My grandmother is getting well quickly.
get wet

變濕  I got wet in the rain because I forgot to bring an umbrella.
get worse
變壞  This protest is getting worse.
get lost
迷路 I don’t have any sense of direction.  Therefore, I always get lost.
get mixed up
混淆 The teacher always gets mixed me up with another girl.
get used to
適應 You will get used to the food here.
get rid of
免除 Please get rid of the garbage.
get the better of

勝過  I didn’t think that my brother could get the better of me in the qualification test.
get (one’s) own way

隨心所欲 Don’t always get your own way.  Think about others sometimes.
get on (one’s) nerves
令人厭煩 The noise gets on my nerves.
give birth to
生產 She gave birth to twin boys.
give (SB) a call (ring)
打電話給某人 Give me a call when you get home.
have time off
放假 We always have Saturdays off.
have (one’s) own way
為所欲為 Nobody likes Tina because she always has her own way.
have a good time
玩的盡興 I had a good time chatting with them.
have to do with
有關 We have nothing to do with the case.
have it out with

爭吵 Why don’t you have it out with your enemy and discuss the whole thing face to face?
have it in for

懷恨 Helen has had it in for Paul since he started criticizing her.
have (one’s)heart set on
渴望 I have my heart set on a Alaska cruise.
Hold still
保持不動 Hold still.  I am taking a picture now.
Hold good
有效 The test score can hold good for two years.
keep an eye on
注意  Will you keep an eye on the baby while I was busy.
keep good time
準確  This antique clock doesn’t keep good time.  It loses three minutes a day.
keep in mind
牢記 You must keep in mind that honesty is the best policy.
keep track of
紀錄 I keep track of the money we have spent every month.
keep away from
遠離 I try to keep away from the irresponsible people.
keep up with
趕上 We can keep up with the team if we maintain this speed.
keep (one’s) head
保持冷靜 Joan always keeps her head during an emergency.
keep in touch with
保持聯絡 Do you keep in touch with your old friends?
make faces
扮鬼臉 This naughty boy is making faces at me.
make friends
交朋友 When you travel, you will make some friends.
make clear

說明 Our Math. teacher makes clear every formula that we don’t understand.
make sense
合理的 His explanation didn’t make any sense.
make sure
確定 We have to make sure it works well.
make up

1.補償 How can he make up to you ?
2.和解 Two days after their big fight, they made it up.
3.虛構 Peter wants to make up his own ghost story.
make good
成功 He is a smart man, so he can make good in everything he does.
make good time
以高速駕車旅行  We made good time all the way to Taipei.
make no difference

沒有不同 It makes no difference to me whether you  believe it or not.
make room for
騰出空間 Would you make room for another chair.
make the best of
盡己所能  You need to make the best of your position.
make fun of
嘲笑 Don’t make fun of your classmates.
make up (one’s) mind
決定 I make up my mind to finish this work.
stand a chance
有機會 We stand a good chance to win this game.
stand to reason

理所當然 It stands to reason that careful man has more opportunities to succeed than a careless one.
stand up for
支持 I am here to stand up for you.
put  an end to
結束 You should do something to put an end to the quarrel.
put on weight
體重增加  I put on five pounds and I need to have a diet.
put one’s foot into it
犯錯 Whenever she open her mouth, she puts her foot in it.
put up with
忍受 How can you put up with his bad temper?
take a walk
散步  We took a walk along the beach this afternoon.
take a seat
坐下 You can take a seat.
take pains
盡力 He has taken pains to study for the entrance exam.
take place

發生 What took place last night?
舉行 The annual meeting will take place in July.
take advantage of
利用 We must take advantage of all the opportunities.
take (someone) for
誤認 My boss took me for my brother because we look alike.
take a look at
看一下 Take a look at this picture and you will know the answer
take care of
照顧 Could you take care of my little sister when I am away?
take part in
參與 Did you take part in the meeting yesterday?
take pity on
同情 Take pity on the poor old lady and be nice to her.
take into account
考慮 My boss took my suggestion into account.
take (something) for granted
把某事認為理所當然  You should not take your parents’ love for granted.
take (someone) by surprise
使驚訝 That terrible accident took us by surprise.

take (something) up with
和某人討論某事 Jane is questioning about her salary, so she took it up with the boss.

carry out
實行 We must carry out the teacher’s instructions.
chew up
嚼碎  I took a pill and chewed it up.
chop up
砍碎 He chopped up the wood into small pieces.
clear up
澄清 We can clear up the misunderstanding as soon as possible.
放晴 I hope the gloomy weather clears up soon.
count on
依靠 He is a responsible person who can be counted on.
figure out
理解  It is not difficult to figure out.
fill out
填寫 You need to fill out the application form.
hang up
掛吊 Please hang up the picture for me.
掛斷電話 He hung up rudely.
knock out
擊倒 John knocked him out with one big punch.
know by sight
曾經見過 I knew him by sight but have never spoken to him.
lay off
解雇 He was laid off.
little by little
漸漸的 She has become rich little by little.
live up to
達到標準 No matter how hard he tried, he failed to live up to his parents’ expectations.
mix up
混淆 Don’t mix up the names and the scores.
pay attention to
注意 We should pay attention to our health.
point out
指出 She pointed out the problem.
read over
瀏覽 The manager read over my resume and interviewed me.
sell out
售完 All the hotel rooms are sold out.
stir up
激起 His naughty son always stirs up trouble in school.
tie up
綁緊 They tied up the clerk during the robbery.
tired out
精疲力盡 After a long day, we are all tired out.